1. Chap Stick
- Anna just loves putting chap stick on, so she asks for it all the time. She puts it on her upper lip all the way up to her nose and on her lower lip half-way down her chin.
- Pronounced: "Chop Stick"
2. Chocolate
- She's female. Enough said.
- Pronounced: "Shock-lit"
3. M & M's
- A rare treat in our house, but if she sees some, much pleading and whining ensues.
- Prounounced: "EN-na-nems"
4. Our House
- She has a little trouble with pronouns. I just so happen to think it's terribly cute.
- Pronounced: "We house"
5. Potato Salad
- She can say "potato" and she can say "salad", but can't put them together for some reason.
- Pronounced: "Sah Salad"
6. Lemonade
- She can say "lemon", but not "lemonade".
- Pronounced: "MEM-a-lade"
7. Gloves
- We've had a colder winter than usual this year, so Anna has gotten to wear her gloves quite a bit.
- Pronounced: "Glubs"
8. Ballet
- We took Anna to the Houston Ballet's Nutcracker for the first time this Christmas (Thanks Maw Maw!)
- She loved it, she just can't seem to SAY it :)
- Pronounced: "Buh-LAY"
9. There's a mean lady in there.
- She loves Disney princesses, but doesn't love Disney princess movies because she is scared of the villains.
- One night, she was looking at some Disney board books with Maw Maw and kept saying this over and over. No would could understand her except for Aunt Katie (aka. "The Toddler Whisperer")
- Pronounced: "asdkanfqbnweiuaaiuamn"
See? You probably wouldn't have caught that last one either!
I just read this one again. It made me smile... uh-gin!